Certificate Number: | SPND-0-279-384-458 | |
Sole Proprietor Name: | Alida Venter | |
Identification: | South African | |
Citizenship: | South African | |
Income Tax Number: | YES – with South African Revenue Service (SARS) | |
Trading/DBA/Defensive Name: | Tonteldoos Woodstoves & Appliciances | |
Defensive Name Ref.No.: | 1340803DN | |
Defensive Name Jurisdiction: | South Africa | |
Defensive Name Original Date: | 24 June 2021 | |
Defensive Name File No.: | 112079660 | |
Defensive Name Renewal Date: | 24 June 2023 | |
Defensive Name Reminder Set: | 24 April 2023 | |
Purpose of Sole Proprietorship: | We sell woodstoves and the accompanying part and accessories. | |
Business license/permit: | N/A | |
Email address: | pureplaas77@gmail.com | |
Website address: | N/A | |
Telephone number: | 0871514098 | |
Trading Address: | Kleinplasie, De Vlugt, Prince Alfred Pass (R399), Avontuur, South Cape District, South Africa, 6490 | |
Entry date: | 8 July 2021 |